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Metric Bolt Gauge PLTD
# 435.MBG
# 553.002
#2 Spring L/W PLTD
# 566.002
#2-56 UNC Gr.2 Hex Nut PLTD
# 138.002
#2-56 UNC (NM) Nylon L/N
# 148.002
#2-56 x 1/2" (SLOT) Fillister M/S
# 156.002.0050
.028 x .600 Hitch Pin PLTD Steel
# 917.CP-75H
#3 EXT Tooth L/W PLTD
# 568.003
#3 Spring L/W PLTD
# 566.003
.042 x 29/32" Hitch Pin PLTD Steel
# 917.CP-76H
#0-80 UNC Gr.2 Hex Nut PLTD
# 138.000
1/16" x 1/2" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.006.0050
1/16" x 3/4" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.006.0075
1/16" x 1" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.006.0100
1/16" x 1-1/2" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.006.0150
1/16" x 1-3/4" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.006.0175
1/16" x 2" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.006.0200
.073 x 1-7/16" Hairpin Cotter Pin PLTD
# 920.CP-70H
M2 D-125A F/W PLTD
# 740.002
M2-0.4 x 10mm D-7985 (Phil. Dr) Pan M/S
# 719.002.0010
#4 EXT Tooth L/W PLTD
# 568.004
# 561.004
#4 Spring L/W PLTD
# 566.004
# 553.004
#4-40 Gr.2 Hex M/S Nut PLTD
# 138.004
#4-40 UNC (NM) Nylon L/N
# 148.004
#4 x 3/16" Type U-Drive Screw OD= 0.116" Max. , 0.112" Min.
# 192.004.0018
#4 x 1/4" (Sq. Dr) Pan Tapping A Screw
# 172.004.0025
#4-40 x 1/4" (Sq/Slot) RND M/S
# 167.004.0025
#4 x 1/4" Type U-Drive Screw OD= 0.116" Max. , 0.112" Min.
# 192.004.0025
#4 x 3/8" (Sq. Dr) FLAT Tapping A Screw
# 170.004.0037
#4-40 x 3/8" (Sq/Slot) RND M/S
# 167.004.0037
#4 x 3/8" (Sq. Dr) Pan Tapping A Screw
# 172.004.0037
#4-40 x 3/8" (SLOT) RND M/S
# 161.004.0037
#4 x 1/2" (Sq. Dr) Pan Tapping A Screw
# 172.004.0050
#4-40 x 1/2" (Sq/Slot) RND M/S
# 167.004.0050
#4 x 5/8" (Sq. Dr) Pan Tapping A Screw
# 172.004.0062
#4-40 x 5/8" (Sq/Slot) RND M/S
# 167.004.0062
#4 x 5/8" (Sq. Dr) FLAT Tapping A Screw
# 170.004.0062
#4-40 x 3/4" (Sq/Slot) RND M/S
# 167.004.0075
#4 x 3/4" (Sq. Dr) Pan Tapping A Screw
# 172.004.0075
#4 x 3/4" (Sq. Dr) FLAT Tapping A Screw
# 170.004.0075
#4-40 x 1" (Sq/Slot) RND M/S
# 167.004.0100
#4 x 1" Flat HD (Phil. Dr) Wood Screw #B-391
# 992.B-391
#4 x 1" (Sq. Dr) Flat HD Wood Screw
# 177.004.0100
#4 x 1" (Sq. Dr) Pan Tapping A Screw
# 172.004.0100
#4 x 1-1/4" (Sq. Dr) Flat HD Wood Screw
# 177.004.0125
#4-40 x 1-1/2" (SLOT) RND M/S
# 161.004.0150
#2 x 3/16" Type U-Drive Screw OD= 0.100" Max., 0.097" Min.
# 192.002.0018
#2 x 1/4" Type U-Drive Screw OD= 0.100" Max. , 0.097" Min.
# 192.002.0025
#9 x 1" (Sq. Dr) Flat HD Wood Screw
# 177.009.0100
#9 x 1-1/4" (Sq. Dr) Flat HD Wood Screw
# 177.009.0125
3/32" x 1/2" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.009.0050
3/32" x 3/4" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.009.0075
3/32" x 1" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.009.0100
3/32" x 1-1/4" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.009.0125
3/32" x 1-1/2" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.009.0150
3/32" x 1-5/8" Hitch Pin PLTD Steel
# 917.CP-96H
3/32" x 2" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.009.0200
3/32" x 2-5/16" Hitch Pin PLTD Steel
# 917.CP-86H
M2.5-0.45 D-934 Cl.8 Hex Nut PLTD
# 476.002.05
#5 Spring L/W PLTD
# 566.005
#5-40 Gr.2 Hex M/S Nut PLTD
# 138.005
#5-40 UNC (NM) Nylon L/N
# 148.005
#5 x 1/2" (Sq. Dr) FLAT Tapping A Screw
# 170.005.0050
#5 x 5/8" (Sq. Dr) FLAT Tapping A Screw
# 170.005.0062
#5 x 5/8" (Sq. Dr) Pan Tapping A Screw
# 172.005.0062
#5 x 3/4" (Sq. Dr) FLAT Tapping A Screw
# 170.005.0075
#5 x 1" (Sq. Dr) Flat HD Wood Screw
# 177.005.0100
7/64" x 1-1/2" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.011.0150
M3 D-127B Spring L/W PLTD
# 482.003
M3 D-125A F/W PLTD
# 740.003
M3-0.5 x 8mm (SLOT) Pan M/S
# 997.003.0008
3m X 10mm D84 4.8 Cheese Head Slot M/S
# RM268642
M3-0.5 x 12mm D-7985 (Phil. Dr) Pan M/S
# 719.003.0012
#6 (1/8") SAE F/W PLTD
# 561.006
#6 EXT Tooth L/W PLTD
# 568.006
#6-32 UNC Hex Acorn Nut PLTD
# 106.006
#6 INT Tooth L/W PLTD
# 569.006
#6 (1/8") F/W PLTD
# 553.006
#6-32 UNC (Keps) Tooth L/N
# 099.006
#6-32 UNC Wing Nut
# 115.006
#6 Spring L/W PLTD
# 566.006
#6-32 Gr.2 Hex M/S Nut PLTD
# 138.006
#6-32 UNC (NM) Nylon L/N
# 148.006
#6 x 1/4" (Sq. Dr) Pan Tapping A Screw
# 172.006.0025
#6-32 x 1/4" (Sq/Slot) RND M/S
# 167.006.0025
#6 x 1/4" Type U-Drive Screw #B-1857 OD= 0.140" Max. , 0.136" Min.
# 192.006.0025
#6 x 3/8" (Sq. Dr) Truss Tapping A Screw
# 176.006.0037
#6 x 3/8" (Phil. Dr) Oval Tapping A-AB Screw
# 168.006.0037
#6-32 x 3/8" (Sq. Dr) FLAT M/S
# 157.006.0037
#6 x 3/8" (Sq. Dr) Pan Tapping A Screw
# 172.006.0037
#6 x 3/8" Type U-Drive Screw OD= 0.140" Max. , 0.136" Min.
# 192.006.0037
#6-32 x 3/8" (Sq/Slot) RND M/S
# 167.006.0037
#6-32 x 3/8" (Type 25) (Sq. Dr) Pan M/S
# 992.006.0037
#6 x 1/2" (Sq. Dr) Truss Tapping A Screw
# 176.006.0050
#6-20 x 1/2" Pan HD Self Drill Screw (Sq. Dr) .110/12ga
# 189.006.0050
1/8" x 1/2" Cotter Pin PLTD
# 222.012.0050
#6-32 x 1/2" (Sq. Dr) FLAT M/S
# 157.006.0050
#6-32 x 1/2" (SLOT) Oval M/S
# 607.006.0050
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